Let's start this article off with a frank yet freeing truth:
There is no perfect formula for a blog post.
If you’re like us, that’s both encouraging and frustrating. After all, wouldn’t it be easier to follow a list of rules for great results every time?
Of course, it would!
But thankfully, we don’t live in a world of robots. We live in a world of creative thinkers, careful buyers and passionate opportunists. And Google knows that!
That’s why they carefully curate each search results page (SERP). They do their best to ensure the top-ranking pages provide the best search experience. AKA the content that the searchers are looking for.
So, while we can’t offer a simple a + b = c solution, we can help you write better content that has the potential to rank higher.
Grab your pencils (or open a Google Doc), and let’s get started!
Psst…looking for local SEO blog writing services? Get in touch with our team!
Google is an incredible tool. This search engine has access to information from all over the world - delivered straight to your SERP within milliseconds.
With around 7 million blog posts published daily, Google has its work cut out!
It needs to determine what each blog is about and rank them accordingly. This ensures the user’s search journey is successful and fast!
It's Google's job to,
a) Interpret what users are searching for,
b) Understand their search behaviour and
c) Analyze their reaction to search results.
While Google isn’t totally transparent about its algorithm, it gives great insight!
After all, Google wants good content found!
There is a sea of content to sort through daily. But making content publishers jump through a million hoops to get seen isn’t the solution. Giving these publishers the tools and knowledge they need to get that great content noticed is!
If you are what a user is searching for, Google will help them get to you! But it’s your job to create the right content and make it easy for Google to recommend you.
Here’s how that’s done!
“To give you the most useful information, Search algorithms look at many factors and signals, including the words of your query, relevance and usability of pages, expertise of sources, and your location and settings.”
Below are 5 key factors Google uses to determine which results to display for a given query.
Note: You’ll notice, everything points back to the query - what the user is looking for. Google ensures its results align as closely as possible with the user's goal. This ensures the search is quick and successful!
First, Google must understand the intent, or meaning, behind a user’s query.
Often, this means deciphering gibberish from a hurried, one-handed user. We’ve all been guilty of that!
Once the user hits “Search”, it’s up to Google to make sense of it.
The system must then,
Once Google understands what the user is looking for, the next step is to analyze for relevancy.
This is the first step of analyzing your content!
During this process, Google looks for relevant keywords that match the query. This could be an exact keyword/phrase or a close match.
Once the content has achieved relevance, Google analyzes its quality.
Here, Google is looking for:
a) Expertise,
b) Authoritativeness, and
c) Trustworthiness.
One way Google determines quality content is if other prominent websites link to it. This typically tells Google that the content comes from a reliable source.
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If the content passes the quality test, it moves on to the usability test. This is where things get a bit more technical.
Usability refers to how accessible the content is - a major factor in page experience!
Thankfully, relevance trumps usability in Google’s ranking strategy. But if you’re competing against several high-quality, relevant pages, it could ruin your chances of landing in the top 10!
Here are some examples of page experience aspects that Google looks for:
Lastly, Google doesn’t just look at a user’s current search. It uses a variety of search factors to determine which results to show.
This includes:
Essentially, Google matches results to a user’s unique interests!
Now that you know how Google analyses and ranks your content, it’s time to polish yours up!
Below are 6 steps to optimize your next blog post and get it ranking:
The first step is thorough keyword research.
For Google to deem your content relevant to a user’s search, it must match up with their query. This can be an exact match or a related match.
Keyword research gives you the data you need to know the terms and phrases users are searching for. You can then make an informed decision about which keywords you plan to target on your site.
We recommend choosing keywords that have a
Not sure where to get started with keyword research? Our team can help!
Next up is search intent!
Before you start writing, think about your audience and their query.
What exactly are they asking you?
What type of information are they looking for?
What is the best way to present the information to them?
These questions provide you with the purpose of your article. It’s not a step you want to skip!
Did you know that only 16% of people read every word on a page? 79% just scan the content!
What does this mean for you?
It means you need to strategize the organization and structure of your content.
One of the most effective ways to do this is by using headings and subheadings!
This makes it easier for your readers to skim your content for information and reach their goals.
Remember: Google’s mission is to end the user’s search journey quickly and successfully. If they can find what they’re looking for quickly, you’ve succeeded!
Content optimization comes in two parts - creative writing and search optimization.
First, we recommend writing for humans, not search engines. After all, you’re not trying to impress Google. You’re trying to impress your readers.
If you succeed, Google recognizes this and ranks you higher!
Related Article: 5 Content Writing Tips To Increase Traffic & Retain Customers
Second, focus on optimizing your content for both user experience and search. We call this search engine optimization, or SEO!
Factors Affecting SEO:
Lastly, we recommend optimising all behind-the-scenes aspects as well. Here, we’re referring to both front-end and back-end content that’s not necessarily part of your main content.
Essential SEO Elements:
The user and Google both rely on these elements to better understand your page content. This makes them essential to a well-optimized article!
Related Article: SEO For Beginners
Blogging has become a powerful tool in the world of content marketing. Small and large businesses use it in their development and growth strategies. It’s proven quite successful in both areas!
If you haven’t started a blog, this is your sign.
Top Benefits of Blogging:
Related Article: 7 Reasons to Start a Blog
Need help getting started? Get in touch with our marketing team! We offer keyword research, SEO blog writing services and copywriting services!
Call us at 613-969-0626 or contact us online!