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What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a set of strategies to increase your website’s rankings in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) which in turn increases traffic to your website. 
Higher Rankings  =  More Traffic (web visitors)  =  More Business

Why use SEO? 

The Web’s Influence On Business

  • 50% of all purchases are influenced by the web
  • 49% of people purchase products online
  • 46%  use social media to help make purchase decisions
  • 61%  less cost for inbound leads (web) over outbound leads (cold calling & mailings)
  • 14.6%  closing rate for inbound leads compared to 1.7% for outbound leads  

Why SEO Make Dollars And Sense 

  • 93%  of all online activity starts with search engines
  • 75%  of people only look at the first page of search results 
  • 83%  of searches are through Google 
  • 47%   of consumers use smartphones to search local businesses before going
  • 70%   of these smartphone searches result in the consumer taking action within 1 hour
  • 88%  of Internet users (14+) will research products online first before buying
  • 39%  of new clients are now acquired through online search engines...  WOW!!!

SEO begins with the purpose of your website

Attracting new visitors to your website is critical for most businesses and organizations and this article is the first step in helping you understand why SEO is important. If you put extra effort into making it relevant, up-to-date, and engaging your website needs to be seen to be read. The first purpose of every website, is to be found. If no-one can find your website, why have one. If people use a search engine to find your website, then SEO is extremely important.

Why are search engines important?

90% of people use search engines to find relevant websites. Without a search engine bringing these visitors, your website is virtually invisible on the Internet. Search engines are like roadways that bring the traffic past your front door. If you build your website without an SEO strategy, it is like building in the middle of a forest with no roads. It will exist but no one will know it is there.

Who is most important to a search engine? 

The search engine's most important customers are the people doing the searching not the website owners. Therefore, website owners should make their goal to provide customers with the most relevant information possible. If your website is deemed to be strongly relevant to a person's search, then your website will be high on that search list. If your website is not as relevant, then it is buried so far down the list, it might as well be invisible. Relevant information is the key.

How do search engines find relevant information?

They use software robots called 'spiders' which literally roam the Internet and index (download and categorize) the content on every website they find. There are two factors required for this process to happen.
  1. Search engines need to be able to see your website's content. The content on many websites is mistakenly hidden from these spiders, due to the way they are designed.
  2. Search engines analyze the validity of the content and discard useless content that may disappoint their searching customers.
So if a person was searching for a Financial Advisor in Toronto and there was a website that contained these kewords Torontofinancial, and advisor a hundred times on one page but there was no other valid content, this website would be considered spam and ignored. Another website could be at the top of the search engine list and only have these keywords five times on any given page. What is the difference. The second website has these keywords in proper sentences, page titles, downloadable files, bullet points, etc.
Here is what Google itself says about how it searches websites.

What is the secret to attracting the search engines? 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the secret, but it is not a complete mystery. Although the search engine companies will not divulge the specific methods it uses to rank websites, they do offer lots of suggestions of what they look for. When you first build a website it is virtually hidden among a forest of websites. When you incorporate SEO strategies, the search engines will soon build a road to your front door. If you continue to use effective SEO strategies, it is like having a large flashing neon sign. This whole process may take several months but it is worth it.

How can We help with SEO?

We incorporate SEO strategies into every website we design. We will assist you with finding popular keywords being searched on the Internet which relate to your products or services. By using these keywords in the proper quantity and quality throughout your website, you will increase your chances of the right people finding your website.
Just having keywords throughout your website is not the only requirement to draw attention. You must also use them in ways the search engines will find them more valuable. We can show you how. With an Ultimate Website, we make it easy to own a more visible and attractive website for both the search engines and your target market.

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Please complete the form below and one of our knowledgeable staff will be in touch to discuss how we can help make your website more successful.

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